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  • Dogs' Trust Assembly and workshops

    Mon 21 Mar 2022 Mrs Bird

    Last week, we had a very special visitor in from The Dogs Trust. Andy delivered a wonderful assembly where we were told all about the work they do and he gave us some top tips on how to stay safe when in the company of dogs, particularly what do do when around unfamiliar dogs.

    The children has a fantastic time in the work shops and learned lots of top tips that they would like to share with you:

    1. When you approach an unfamiliar dog that you do not not know, ALWAYS ask your parents and the owner's permission BEFORE approaching the dog.

    2. You must also allow the dog to approach you for a sniff too. Stand with your hands by your side and allow the dog to sniff and smell you, give them a choice. if they went you to stroke them they will let you know by wagging their tail or getting close. If they do not want you to touch them, they will return to their owner.

    3. The safest way to stroke a dog in on its shoulders, never its head. If the dog likes it, they will then encourage an ear tickling or a tummy rub!!

    4. The X FACTOR. If a dog comes to you and you feel scared, remain calm and cross your arms across your chest for 30 seconds. Close your arm and breathe. The dog will become bored because it is not getting any attention and move away.

    Remember, don't act silly around dogs - dogs have feelings too!

  • Rocksteady Music School

    Tue 15 Mar 2022 Mrs Jones

    What a treat we had this morning! It's something that has been in the pipeline for a while, but has had to be cancelled due to COVID, so we were excited to finally invite Rocksteady Music School in.

    Jacob wowed us from the start by playing some of the songs that we all recognised and could sing along to on his electric guitar. Hearing live music and seeing the children singing along is something we have desperately missed in school! He then showed us how he could play the electric drums and keyboard while we danced, drummed and sang along. 

    Letters have come home for children who would like to be in their own band and be taught by the Rocksteady Music School! 

    Click here to see more photos and videos

  • International Women's Day

    Mon 07 Mar 2022 Mrs Jones

    Year 6 were thrilled to be invited to record a segment for Newsround last week, all in aid of International Women's Day and gender equality. They were all very excited when the camera crew arrived to set up in the classroom, and even more so when Hayley walked in, as she was a presenter that many of the children recognised from the television! After thinking about job roles, and the qualities needed for certain types of jobs (many of the children thinking that certain jobs were more suited to men), the children then got to meet four women who hold these positions; firefighter, construction manager, robotics engineer and train driver. The children then got time to talk to each of the women and find out more about their jobs, what inspired them and how they got to where they are today. It was a fantastic morning and we can't wait to see if they make the cut and be able to watch Y6 on CBBC this week. 

    (The children were also praised for their maturity, manners and enthusiasm by all of the adults involved in the filming - we are incredibly proud of them!) 


     Click here to see some photos from the day

  • Fairtrade Coffee Morning and Bake Off Competition

    Fri 04 Mar 2022 Mrs Bird

    Our Kingdom Club have been working really hard to promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and this has culminated in fabulous Friday when they hosted a Fairtrade coffee morning and Bake Off competition.


    We were all so impressed by the number of entries in our Fairtrade Bake Off competition: we had small cakes, biscuits, tray bakes and huge gateaux, baked by both adults and children. Cath Greenlees had a wonderful time taste testing them all, and was unable to choose just one winner. So we decided to select one adult and two children to win the Fairtrade chocolate Easter eggs. The winners are Zachary's (Year 1) grandmother, Harvey (Year 3) and Josie and Eliza who are sisters in Year 1 & 2. Well done to you all.


    Well done in particular to the children in the Kingdom Club who planned and organized the event, because of their commitment to making Coppull Parish a Fairtrade school that challenges injustice in the world and supports Fairtrade farmers.


    Here are some pictures of the event.
    Mrs Bird

  • World Book Day 2022

    Thu 03 Mar 2022

    World Book Day 2022

    Our theme for this year was ‘A world of words’ as we really wanted to enrich the children’s vocabulary, get them to tackle more ambitious books and use more adventurous vocabulary choices in their writing. All the children and staff came in dressed as a word. We had so many great ideas: scientist, graceful, mysterious, artistic! You all looked amazing. We were visited on the Wednesday by local author Gemma Lees who read her book to KS1 then went and visited individual classes where we created our very own Ethan Elephant picture book! On World Book Day author Dan Worsley visited the whole school and told us a hillarious story called 'A Pat on the Head'. Dan then went and worked with KS2 classes inspiring them to create their own pieces of writing.

    Some classes went to visit Coppull Library and got to scan out their friends books like a real librarian would. There was all sorts of wonderful book and vocabulary themed learning going on around school, from 'Booknics' to reading scavenger hunts. We even created our own class photo dictionaries using photos of ourselves dressed up as a word!



  • Relaunch of the Reading Shed

    Tue 01 Mar 2022 Mrs Clarkson

     Sadly, due to the pandemic we haven't been able to use our school Reading Shed for quite a while. However, Covid-19 restrictions have now been lifted, so we have spruced up the Reading Shed and it is a wonderful, relaxing environment for getting lost in a good book.


    On World Book Day we will be re-launching the Reading Shed and timetabling each class on a weekly rota to use this fabulous facility. Children will be able to get comfy on a beanbag during playtimes, and chill out with some amazing books, or even share one of our big books with a friend!
