School will only be able to administer prescribed medicines, so please do not send other medicines, such as Calpol or cough medicines into school. Generally, these types of medicines are required 3 times a day, so if children are given them before and immediately after school and once before bedtime, they will be still getting the medication they need.
If you feel your child will need these other medicines during the school day, you (or a family member) are more than welcome to come in and administer it.
In addition, we have updated the form that you complete when handing in prescribed medicines for the school to administer, as it is really important we know the correct dosage and that medicines are handed back to parents (and signed for) at the end of the day and then handed back to the teacher (and signed for) the following day.
Also, if your child suffers from asthma we need one of these forms completed and an ‘in date’ inhaler permanently in school in case they have an attack.