Art and Design Curriculum Intent
At Coppull Parish C of E Primary School, we ensure children can access an art curriculum which provides them with the opportunities to develop and extend skills, promoting curiosity and allowing children to be courageous within their design process. Our curriculum intends to inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Children at Coppull Parish C of E Primary School will also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. Children will become creative learners, who have a web of knowledge about the great artists of the world. At our school, there is an emphasis placed on individuality and children will be given the freedom to explore art using their imaginations.
Underpinned by the following Coppull Parish curriculum drivers:
Developing Speech and language:
As budding artists, creators and designers, we encourage our pupils to discuss and evaluate using rich vocabulary to express opinions, likes and dislikes within all areas of the Art Curriculum.
Our Art curriculum envelopes a range of diverse artists around the world in which the children research and base their art work upon.
Mental Health and Wellbeing:
We promote individuality and creativity as well as giving opportunities for children to express themselves emotionally through the medium of art and design.
Our Curriculum - Access Art
This year Coppull Parish have invested in the new Access Art scheme of work. We have carefully selected and mapped out our overview to ensure the children cover a broad, rich, contemporary & diverse range of units which are tailored for each class.