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At Coppull Parish the educational process is rooted in the living faith of the school. Religious Education has an important role in reflecting and conveying the distinctively Christian character of the school.
RE in our school enables Children to:
• reflect on the truth claims of Christian belief;
• see how the truths of Christianity are relevant today
• develop the skills to handle the Bible text;
• recognise that faith is a particular way of understanding God and the world;
• understand how the Christian faith can be absorbed and lived out;
• respond in terms of beliefs, commitments, ways of living, ethical decisions and choices
  affecting their own and others’ lives;
• develop a sense of themselves as significant, unique and precious;
• experience the breadth and variety of the Christian community;
• engage in respectful and thoughtful dialogue with other faiths and traditions;
• become active citizens, serving their neighbour;
• find a reason for hope in a troubled world;
• understand how religious faith can sustain them in difficult circumstances and in the
   face of opposition.
Respect for the great world faiths is fostered in RE within our school, based on an accurate and sympathetic understanding of the other faiths which is consistent with the school’s loyalty to its Christian foundation.
  • A positive outcome of this approach is to provide learners with a greater understanding of the world and society in which they are growing up.
  • Another outcome is that learners will be able to see the faith of others in relation to their own.
 These outcomes contribute to building up harmonious relations within communities, promoting inclusion.
As a church school there are opportunities for children to grow in the understanding of their own faith.
School maintains good links with the local parish, wider community and local faith leaders, involving them in the delivery of the subject where appropriate. Children’s work is displayed in the church from time to time.