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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Disability Awareness Assembly and Workshop

    Mon 27 Sep 2021 Mrs Bird

    Claire Buckle, from Ability Consultancy NW, came into school this morning to deliver an assembly, and a workshop for one of our classes, about overcoming the challenges of living with a disability and having a rich and fulfilling life. Her hope is that our children will learn to look beyond the disability, see the person beneath and recognize what can be achieved, with hard work and determination – which has been a focus for our assemblies since returning in September. We should all aim high and reach for the stars!    

  • Gardening Fun at Coppull Parish

    Mon 27 Sep 2021 Mrs Bird

    We have been very fortunate to recruit Mrs Hindle, one of our parents (and a keen gardener) to work with our children in the school allotment each week. This half term she is working with Year 3 and 4 on Wednesday afternoons, working alongside the class teachers to teach the children about growing vegetables and looking at habitats and mini-beasts. This week they picked a lot of the vegetables that had been planted by the Gardening Club in the Summer term, which Year 2 then made into a delicious vegetable soup. Enjoy the photographs.

  • Local Councillor visits Coppull Parish

    Tue 21 Sep 2021 Mrs Bird

    Every year, the children of Coppull Parish choose two School Councillors from Year 1-6 to represent their classes at School Council meetings, which are led by Mrs Jones and Mrs Lock. The election process involves candidates applying for this important role through a presentation to their classmates, which is followed by hustings and a secret ballot.


    This year, we invited Councillor Julia Berry, of the Coppull ward into a school assembly to explain the democratic process to our children and instill on them the importance of voting in elections and choosing candidates of good character, who represent your views. The children were interested to learn about her role and are keen to be involved in voting for their new School Councillors. 


    Good luck to everyone who applies to be a School Councillor this year!

  • Coppull Parish attends G7 Speakers' Conference

    Tue 21 Sep 2021 Mrs Bird

    Coppull Parish were proud to be represented, by Halle in Year 6, at the G7 Speakers' Conference, which took place at Astley Hall in Chorley on Saturday. Halle's classmates had voted for her to be the school's representative, and she was happy to attend this prestigious event on behalf of Coppull Parish. The event was organized by Sir Lindsey Hoyle MP, the Speaker of the House of Commons and a long-standing member of parliament for Chorley. Halle and pupils from other Chorley schools were able to meet a range of important dignitaries, including Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and plant some trees in Astley Park for the local community to enjoy. Halle was presented with a certificate of attendance and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Well done Halle, you did us proud!

  • Play Leader Training Session

    Tue 14 Sep 2021 Mrs Bird

    We are delighted to have our Year 5 pupils are once again allowed to be lunchtime Play Leaders, and brought Mrs Smith in for the morning to train them up. Rather than teaching them games, she taught them leadership and communication skills, before encouraging them to be creative and  design their own games to keep our children fit and active, and entertained at lunchtime. Here are some photographs which captured some of the activities they came up with. 
