The school gates open at 08:40am and the school will be opened at 8.45am, when children can enter their classrooms and start work. The school is open for 6.5 hours a day, totalling 32.5 hours a week.
The gate/doors will be open until 9am, when registration closes. School closes at 3:15pm.
Any pupils arriving at school after 9am must report to the school office on arrival for registration. Any arrival between 9.01am and 9:15am will be marked as 'L' (late), any arrival after that will be marked as 'U' (unauthorised absence for the morning). So please ensure your child is punctual for school.
If you child is absent please inform the school using the Absence Line: 01257 791669 option 1
When children are absent from school it is important that we are informed of the reason as soon as possible. This can be by note, a telephone call, by email or by a personal visit to the Class Teacher. Unless we receive an explanation from parents, we are obliged by law to record the absence as unauthorised.
Occasionally, parents might be late collecting their children from school for a variety of reasons. If this is the case, please ring Miss Connolly in the Office, who will pass a message to your child's teacher. Your child will then be taken to the office area to wait for you. After 10 minutes, we will have to take your child to Cool Club, and you will be charged a small fee for their childcare.