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Uniform Information

School Uniform

Our school colours are navy blue and tartan.

Children can wear:

Navy blue shorts/trousers or tartan skirt, pinafore dress or Summer dress (blue and white gingham only)

While polo shirt (plain or including our school badge)

Navy blue cardigan or sweatshirt (Green sweatshirt in Year 6 only) including school badge

White socks,  green or navy blue tights,

Black school shoes.

PE kit: Black Plumps/trainers, navy blue PE shorts, white t-shirt (plain or including our school badge)

Optional: Navy Hooded Jumper  including our school logo from our uniform suppliers, Slaters, Wigan. This jumper is not essential and school cardigans/jumpers can be worn on PE days instead. It must be bought from Slaters and include our school logo. A plain navy hooded jumper is not school uniform and will not be accepted.


Reception children only

The above PE items will be kept in a named PE bag on their pegs and remain in school throughout the year so that the children can change into their PE kit at the necessary time. It is also advisable to pack a spare set of sock and underwear into this bag.


Please ensure all clothing brought into school have clear name labels.


NB: The tartan skirt and pinafores are only available from Slaters in Wigan. However, children always have the option of wearing non-branded trousers/shorts instead.  The sweatshirts have our school logo 'The light of the world' on them and are also only available from Slaters. If families are having financial difficulties, we send all our 'pre-loved' uniform items to the International Aid charity shop in Coppull for families to purchase at a much reduced cost. Any family who is struggling to provide uniform for their child, please come and speak to Miss Connolly in the School Office, who will be able to help.


*Please note: No jewellery should be worn at all. This includes earrings. Watches can be worn provided they are not a distraction for the child. If watches are deemed a distraction, class teachers will keep them safe until the end of the school day. Long hair must be tied up for health and safety reasons. Hair accessories should be navy, black or white only. Headbands should be plain or include school colours only.

Thank you for your support with this.* 

Uniform Order Form 2024/2025

Examples of Uniform.....
