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Welcome to Reception!

The Reception Team are led by Mrs Davison and Miss Green and supported by Mrs Sharkey and Mrs Hindle. 



                                                    Mrs Davison                             Miss Green


Welcome to Reception Class 2023 - 2024! 

Please see below for our half termly planning overviews, detailing the overarching topics we follow (this is in addition to following and supporting children's individual interests and needs smiley) Don't forget to visit your Dojo app (existing parents only) for our daily updates and weekly newsletters keeping you in the loop with all of the exciting things your child has been up to in school! 
Parental Support
We value the support from our families and know that the relationships we build throughout this first year in school can have a wonderful impact on each child's learning and development. We have an 'open door policy' which means that we are always more than happy to help and talk about anything regarding your child. 
During this first year in school your child will develop so many new and exciting skills, one of which will be learning how to read. Please foster your child's love and enthusiasm for reading and share books with them every day. Little and often is the key! As your child begins to develop their phonics skills they will want to share these with you, we would very much encourage you to get stuck in and engage in their learning with them as much as you can as this will really support their eagerness to learn. 
Thank you so much for your support smiley
Last half term (Summer 1) we had a brilliant time learning all about animals, including starting the half term by learning all about babies, and thinking about how we have changed from then to now! We had a visitor called Helen with her lovely baby girl Georgia, and we also made beautiful photo collage time lines of our lives which are proudly on display in the classroom! 
We then moved on to learning about other kinds of animals, including farm animals and ones we find in the zoo (wild animals from other countries).
The highlight of this was our class trip to Smithills Farm, where we fed sheep and llamas, rode on donkeys, had a tractor ride, held rabbits and chicks and finished the day with an ice cream and a play on the playground! 




Oh I do like to be beside the seaside Medium Term Plan

Once Upon A Time... Medium Term Plan

Celebrations Medium Term Plan

The Naughty Bus Medium Term Plan
