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Year 4

Welcome to the final half term of Year 4.

There is always so much to do in the final half term. The children will start off with a trip to a Mosque and Hindu temple for RE whilst also taking part in Health Week, where the whole class will learn and undertake activities to support their well-being and fitness. In English, the children will be reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe for their class novel and using it to inspire some writing. In geography, the children will be looking at the British Isles and learning factual information about both physical and human features of the UK. In PE children will take part in athletics and learning to be stronger and faster in a variety of track and field events. Finally children will take part in two assemblies; one class assembly for their Egyptian Topic and one music assembly for their ukuleles. It's all go in Year 4!

Kind Regards

Mr Lean 



