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  • Harvest Service Celebrations

    Thu 14 Oct 2021 Mrs Bird

    Yesterday, we were able to celebrate Harvest at Coppull Parish Church for the first time in a long while, and it was wonderful. Our parents had sent in an abundance of donations for the Living Waters Food Bank, which our Guardians, Halle and Tommy, delivered to the church on Tuesday. As you can see by the photographs, it was a packed church, with all the children attending, and many of our parents able to join us too. Thank you so much to Reverend Matt, who led an uplifting Harvest Service, to all the parents who were able to walk with us to church, for the children with their wonderful singing, and to Mr Fay, whose colleagues at Tesco baked a wonderful bread wreath, which was displayed in the church for everyone to enjoy! 

  • Vive la France at Coppull Parish French Day

    Mon 04 Oct 2021 Mrs Bird

    We had a wonderful start to the week, celebrating French Day. All the children and staff got into the spirit and wore red, white and blue to represent the colours of the French tricolor flag, and threw themselves into the exciting activities their teachers had planned. We hired a French dance company for the day, who played a hurdy-gurdy and an accordion (typical French instruments) and taught every class to dance, whilst counting out the steps (in French naturally) and learning new vocabulary. It was great fun! Having visited several of our classes today, I could see the children learning about French artists, lots of geography taking place, as well as Maths, art and DT projects, whilst also learning about the food and culture of France. Take a look at the photographs to see what a fabulous day they all had.
