Our Kingdom Club have been working really hard to promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and this has culminated in fabulous Friday when they hosted a Fairtrade coffee morning and Bake Off competition.
We were all so impressed by the number of entries in our Fairtrade Bake Off competition: we had small cakes, biscuits, tray bakes and huge gateaux, baked by both adults and children. Cath Greenlees had a wonderful time taste testing them all, and was unable to choose just one winner. So we decided to select one adult and two children to win the Fairtrade chocolate Easter eggs. The winners are Zachary's (Year 1) grandmother, Harvey (Year 3) and Josie and Eliza who are sisters in Year 1 & 2. Well done to you all.
Well done in particular to the children in the Kingdom Club who planned and organized the event, because of their commitment to making Coppull Parish a Fairtrade school that challenges injustice in the world and supports Fairtrade farmers.
Here are some pictures of the event.
Mrs Bird