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  • Maypole Dancing

    Fri 20 Apr 2018
    Mrs Lock has been teaching the Maypole Dancing club different dances and routines to perform at the Church Spring Fair and our Summer Fair later this term. The more experienced members are helping the less experienced ones to learn the complicated routines, but as you can see from their faces, they are all having great fun learning this new skill. We can't wait to see your performances later in the term!
  • Eggs-treme Reading Competition

    Thu 12 Apr 2018 Miss Robson

    Over half term, we set the children the challenge of reading in weird and wonderful places, and they have certainly been creative! Who knew you could read upside down, in a cave or on top of a car! We have loved looking at all the lovely pictures, please see a selection below.

    I had the tough job of choosing a winner from each Key Stage, which will be announced in celebration assembly on Friday.

  • School Council 'Wear it Yellow' for Cystic Fibrosis assembly

    Tue 10 Apr 2018 Mrs Bird
    Today, our School Council, presented an assembly to the whole school about Cystic Fibrosis, as it is a serious health condition which affects one of our families, so is very close to their hearts. They explained what Cystic Fibrosis is, the effect it has on the sufferer and how this impacts on their lives, in terms of the daily medication and physiotherapy required. The School Council then asked our children to be involved in the 'Wear it Yellow' day on Friday and support the Cystic Fibrosis charity by bringing a £1 donation in to purchase a cake. A big well done to the School Council and Mrs Jones for organizing this event and let's hope they raise lots of money for this really worthwhile charity!