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  • 200 Years of Coppull Parish Celebration

    Thu 25 May 2017 Mrs Bird
    We had a fantastic time celebrating 200 years of Coppull Parish C of E Primary School yesterday. This week, in order to commemorate our bicentenary, the children have been learning all about the history of our school and the local area, with the support of a local historian and retired teacher, Geoff Bellis, who brought in photographs dating back nearly 200 years. We held a street party lunch, followed by workshops of activities for all our children and families to enjoy. The weather was wonderful and it was a great opportunity for the eldest members of our local community to share their memories with the younger generation about their school years. Take a look at the photographs and see what fun we all had! 
  • Our Zumba Club

    Thu 11 May 2017
    Many of our children have enjoyed our weekly Zumba club. Look at them in action!
  • PTFA Easter Reading Challenge

    Tue 09 May 2017

    A huge thank you to Mrs Crook who came up with the fabulous idea of our Easter Reading Challenge. Thank you to all of the children who took part! You helped us to raise lots of money for new books in school. We picked two children as winners from each class. One winner was the child who had raised the most money and the other was the child who had read the most books! 


    We wanted the reward to be something a little different so we decided to surprise the children with a Fredericks Ice Cream parlor and a Lego cartoon in the hall. The children enjoyed building their own ice creams and adding lots of sweets, wafers, sauce and sprinkles! 


    Thank you for your continued support in all of our school events and again for helping us to raise money for much needed books. It really does make a huge difference. 

  • Chorley Grand Prix

    Mon 08 May 2017 Mrs Bird
    Our children were invited to take part in the Chorley Grand Prix recycling scheme this year. The project was to make an art installation out of a disused, broken bicycle, which was a lovely challenge for our creative young artists. Children throughout the school took part in the project, which was displayed in Astley Gardens over the Easter holidays. Here is a photograph of our finished project, along with some of the children who helped to decorate it.
  • Our Mission Statement

    Wed 03 May 2017 Mrs Bird
    During Spirituality Week, our Year 5 class focused on our Mission Statement: Everyone Matters in God's World and produced this wonderful display for our entrance hall. With guidance and support from Mrs Davison and Mrs Winward, they carefully stitched these felt figures to represent all of God's people on Earth. Didn't they do a fantastic job?