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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Year 4 visit to a Mosque and a Hindu Temple.

    Tue 04 Jun 2024 Mrs Bird

    As part of the Year 4 RE curriculum, our children have been to visit places of worship from a range ...

  • Spirituality Week - Prayer Stations

    Thu 23 May 2024 Mrs Bird

    Our Kingdom Club created lots of different prayer stations as their contribution to Spirituality Week at Coppull Parish. Every class ...

  • Dogs' Trust visit

    Wed 22 May 2024 Mrs Bird

    We were delighted to welcome the Dogs’ Trust to Coppull Parish today. They delivered a whole school assembly and workshops ...

  • Year 3 Spirituality Assembly

    Tue 21 May 2024 Mrs Bird

    As it is Spirituality Week this week, our Year 3 class decided to focus on what spirituality meant to them ...

  • PTFA Colour Run event

    Thu 16 May 2024 Mrs Bird

    The PTFA organised a Colour Run event yesterday to raise funds for Vinnie's bionic arm and help fund the restoration ...

  • One handed Day

    Wed 01 May 2024 Mrs Bird

    Year 5 have organized a 'One Handed Day' to fundraise for a crowdfunding event for Vinnie, a pupil in their ...

  • Recycling Workshops

    Wed 01 May 2024 Mrs Bird

    We were delighted to invite Konflux Theatre group into school to deliver a series of recycling workshops to Year 2, ...

  • Easter Church Service at Coppull Parish

    Thu 28 Mar 2024 Mrs Bird

    We enjoyed a lovely Easter Service at Coppull Parish Church this morning. Reverend Matt delivered the service and was supported ...

  • Last Choir Singing competition finalists!!

    Thu 28 Mar 2024 Mrs Bird

    We are delighted to announce that after a brilliant performance last night at St George's Hall in Blackburn, our choir ...

  • World Downs Syndrome Day

    Thu 21 Mar 2024 Mrs Bird

    World Downs Syndrome Day We have all worn 'lots of socks' today to raise awareness and support World Downs Syndrome Day. ...
