We were delighted to be approached by the Head at Brinscall C of E Primary School requesting for their Worship/Ethos group to meet up with the Coppull Parish Worship/Kingdom Club this week. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children from both schools to get to know each other and find out the role they have in school life. As we have so many children in our group, we were only able to include 8 children, but they were very excited to represent their school mates and share the wide range of things they do within school. Our Worship Group leads songs and prayers in worship, they created and ran prayer stations in our Spirituality Week, they also write a prayer for the weekly newsletter, as well as planning and taking part in performances of Bible stories and read scripture and lead prayers in the Harvest, Easter and Christmas Services at Coppull Parish Church. We were able to share some prayers with the Brinscall children and demonstrate a couple of their favourite action songs: Our Lighthouse and Light of the World. Meanwhile, our Kingdom Club take part in lots of activities which make Coppull Parish and our community more like the Kingdom of God. For example, they prepare and deliver assemblies on road safety, anti-bullying and the Wow Travel Tracker (which reduces pollution, congestion and promotes a healthy lifestyle). They are also courageous advocates for tackling inequality in our world, taking part in lots of Fairtrade activities, attend the annual Fairtrade Conference and have achieved Fairtrade status for the school. They also choose a different charity each year to support. This year, they have chosen the Woodlands Animal Sanctuary in Ormskirk, as most people voted to support an animal charity this year. We ended our session with a lovely Bible craft activity and spent time getting to know each other. We are hoping to visit Brinscall later in the year to see the work that their worship group are doing.