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Spirituality Week

As you may know, we held our Spirituality Week last week, based around the Christian values of

Peace, Love, Forgiveness and Respect.


We began the week with a day of Yoga, where each class enjoyed an introductory session in Yoga, including deep breathing and very simple postures. This gave the children a wonderful opportunity to be calm and find inner peace. Classes enjoyed a variety of activities throughout the week culminating in ‘Spirituality Day’ where all of the classes set up ‘stations’ each focusing on a different Christian value.

The activities included:
Treasure Chest of values

Meditation calm area, finding inner peace

 ‘Values Chatter Boxes’

Collage description of the qualities of a good friend

Sending prayers around the world

Being reflective – how can you reflect God’s love?

Heart Tree – Who do you love?


At the end of the day children invited their parents and family into the hall to share some of the activities.

Check out Year 4's class page to find out how Forest School celebrated our Spirituality Day.
