Spelling Bee
Last week, all the children from Year 1 to Year 6 took part in a Spelling Bee organized by Mrs Clarkson, our Literacy leader. All the children were given a set of spellings (which they need to know by the end of this school year) to learn for homework. They all worked really hard practising them with their parents, then took part in a spelling competition against their classmates, to find the children who achieved the highest scores. These children were then put forward to the Spelling Bee final on Wednesday afternoon, where they competed against the best spellers from the rest of the school. And what a hard fought competition it was! Each child was tested on spellings from their own year group list, and everyone was amazed by the children's confidence and accuracy. Eventually, one by one, children made tiny errors, which left one man standing ....... Albie from Year 4. What a great achievement Albie! And a massive well done to all the finalists, who were phenomenal, and everyone else who took part. Everyone's spelling will have improved as a result of this Spelling Bee, possibly including your parents! Well done Mrs Clarkson for organizing such a great school event, we'll have to make it an annual event from now on.