This morning we’ve had an extra special visit from Councillor Steve Holgate talking to us about the EPIC project, which aims to plant more 'bee friendly' flowers around the Coppull and Chorley area. We know how important bees are for pollinating plants and ensuring we have lots of fruits and vegetables to eat. Tonight the children will be bringing home a packet of wildflower seeds to plant anywhere you can. This will help save the bees 🐝🐝🐝. We are asking parents to send in photographs of their wildflower gardens once they have had chance to flourish. Hopefully, we will get some images of bees enjoying the wildflower gardens our children have planted!
And as if this wasn't enough, Councillor Holgate also gave every child in the school a sunflower seed to plant. He reminded us that the sunflower is a symbol of Ukraine, so by planting these seeds around our school grounds, not only will we be helping the bees and improving our environment, we will be sending a message of support to the people of Ukraine. What a lovely idea!
Here is a photograph of Steve and Lynn speaking to the children in assembly, and meeting our Eco Team (who have already been very busy creating bird feeders this week).