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Primary Engineer Competition

On Wednesday 17th April, 4 children from Year 6 represented our school at the Primary Engineer County Competition at Southlands High School. 

This project was open to all primary schools in the Lancashire district, and allowed the children to incorporate their science, design technology, engineering and maths skills.

Erin, Charlotte, Nathan and Kai, as well as all the Year 6 class, worked in pairs to make a motorised vehicle. 
Their vehicle needed to travel in a straight line (forwards and backwards), as well as being able to travel up a graded ramp. 
They also completed a booklet throughout the project, explaining their designs, processes, tests and evaluations.


Despite tough opposition, Nathan and Kai were successful in winning their category and were named as the KS2 County Champions! 
This means that they are now through to the National Primary Engineer finals in June, where they will be competing against schools from across the country. 
What an amazing achievement!

Congratulations Nathan and Kai and Good Luck for the Nationals!
