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Islam Assembly

We were delighted to welcome Imran Kotwal to Coppull Parish today to provide our children and families with an introduction to the Islamic faith and to discuss the British Values of tolerance and respect. Imran is a British Muslim from Bolton, who delivers assemblies and workshops for the Muslim Learners Service. He brought along a lot of religious artefacts which helped him to explain the 5 Pillars of Islam to our pupils, staff and parents. Then he asked a lot of questions, to check we had been listening carefully ..... and we had!!! We remembered that the 5 Pillars were: belief in God; prayer (5 x a day); charity; fasting (during Ramadan) and Pilgrimage (Hajj). Everyone was really interested to learn more about the Islamic faith and get to meet someone from the Muslim community, which is great news, because we are inviting Imran back later in the year to work with some of our classes and look at Islam in more depth as part of our Religious Education and PSHE curriculum.