Coppull Parish Careers Week
We are holding a careers week, this week, to show our children a wide range of careers they may want to pursue when they are older. On Monday had a fundraiser from Derien House, a social worker, and a Mental Health Counsellor from Chorley Women's Centre visiting the school. We also asked the children to come to school dressed up in an outfit for their 'dream job'. Look at all the wonderful photographs (there will also be some on Class Dojo!). On Tuesday, we are having a painter & decorator, a midwife, a flood risk analyst, a Police Officer, a clinical psychologist and a quantity surveyor. On Wednesday, we have a farm owner, a magician, an operating theatre technician, the RAF, our vicar and a Prison Warden/Police dog handler. On Thursday we are going sporty, with an Olympic cycling coach and an ex-England volleyball player and another midwife. While on Friday, we have the RNLI in and will end the week with a special assembly about everything the children have learned about future careers this week. What a fabulous week!