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Chip Celebration Concert

Mrs Jones, Miss Robson and I were very proud to take Coppull Parish's 'Glee Club' to represent the school at the Chorley Heads in Partnership Celebration Concert on 6th of November. Each school in the cluster took a group of children to showcase their talents to the rest of the schools. It was a wonderful event, with the majority of schools bringing fantastic choirs, and Coppull Parish and Rivington Primary bringing some talented dancers. Our children delivered a polished performance of 'Singing in the Rain' - complete with umbrellas! - that wowed the audience. They were absolutely wonderful, shone with talent and represented the school to the highest standard. We were very proud of them. A big thank you to the talented Miss Robson and Mrs Jones, who taught the children all the choreography and helped them to achieve such a professional performance. Here are some photographs of the event.