Filling the school playground this morning
were over 200 children (plus members of staff)
all wearing their favourite pyjamas to celebrate World Book Day!
Although it might look like we've had a rather sleepy day, we've all been busy writing exciting stories, exchanging books, making our own books or just enjoying a good read with each other.
Our book exchange was a resounding success with many children bringing in books that they no longer read, to exchange for a different one. The children couldn't wait to read their new books in class and have enthusiastically told us how much fun they had, so much so, that we are thinking of making it a more regular event…watch this space!
Thank you so much to everyone who brought books in for this.
Your child should have brought home a £1 book token, which they can exhange for one of the amazing World Book Day Books at any book shop, or even Tesco.