On Friday, Year 6 were lucky enough to have a visit from Emma Charnock, who works for Balvac Balfour Beatty, who undertake the repair and refurbishment of the Silver Jubilee Bridge in Runcorn. She showed them a series of bridge constructions and discussed the merits of different building approaches, then set them a bridge building challenge, using a limited number of straws and construction tape. The children had to really think about the best way to bridge a 20cm gap between chairs whilst holding up a container of pennies. This involved understanding how to keep the cup upright, stable and building strength into their bases. It took a lot of trial and error and working together as a team, but they took on the challenge and had a good go. Only one team was entirely successful, but well done to everyone for persevering and a big thank you to Mrs Charnock for this great opportunity (and all the lovely gifts).